Davenport Railway Station

 Published by Friends of Davenport Station

Please note that this site is unofficial and is not connected with Northern or any rail company.

National Rail have blocked the method we used to display live departures. There's a live departure list on Journeycheck.

This site is for users of Davenport railway station, Stockport, England - and for all the people of Davenport.  Our aim is to have plenty of useful information for users of the station, and act as a forum for contributions and suggestions.

Friends of Davenport Station is part of a network of similar groups around the country who  support their local station, by liaising with the railway company to  encourage  train travel and improve the environment of the station and its train services. We are supported by Northern Trains, Transport for Greater Manchester and the national Community Rail Network.

We were founded in 2004, and have remained a small group, but we are in regular contact with the company,  and nearby groups regarding local issues.  Gardening is a common activity, but this has been restricted due to the presence of invasive japanese knotweed which we first raised with the company in 2006. We have a small picture gallery in the waiting room; community groups are welcome to display their work there. We also have an extensive collection of local history articles on our website davenportstation.org.uk

Contact us :

Information here is presented in good faith, but we cannot be responsible if your train (or bus) does not arrive when expected.


For more information, contributions to the site, suggested web links, and any other comments and questions, please email info@

The station

Northern Station Information

Network Rail full details for Davenport station

Postal Address of the station:

Davenport Station
Bramhall Lane

Ticket office opening hours: Monday - Friday 06:20 - 12:50
Saturday 07:00 - 13:30
Sunday closed.

For times when the office is closed, there is a self-service ticket machine on the platform. Passengers are required to use this card-only machine; if you only have cash or the ticket you need is not on the machine you must use the machine to get a 'promise to pay' ticket to show to the conductor (or the staff at your destination) who will sell you a ticket. Not doing so will make you liable to a 'penalty fare'.

About Davenport

Davenport is a mostly-residential, tree-lined, suburb of Stockport, in Greater Manchester, England. Its focal point is its railway station, which is on the Manchester - Stockport - Buxton line, and  it does have a range of facilities within a short distance which make it a particularly good place to live for anyone who does not wish to drive a car.

Minutes from the station there are some good quality shops, including convenience stores, a pharmacy, a baker, and a butcher as well as a post office/newsagent. Davenport is well-served by buses to Stockport town centre,  and the trains will get you to Manchester Piccadilly station in 20 minutes.

The trains heading away from Stockport offer an instant transfer to the countryside, with pleasant walks along the Middlewood Way and Peak Forest Canal 15 minutes away and the Peak National Park within half an hour.

Stockport's main hospital, Stepping Hill, is a couple of kilometres away, and even the town's cemetery and crematorium are within walking distance. We have a 'green-flag' park, Cale Green Park, incorporating a kids' playground and with Cricket and Lacrosse clubs adjacent. A Methodist church is nearby, and the large late-Victorian Anglican church, St George's, is a short walk towards Stockport.

News archive


Note: This site does not use or need 'cookies', and does not require an https (secure) connection as there are no options for direct user input. We also think it is reasonably 'mobile-friendly.'

To contact us email info@davenportstation.org.uk
Strike information from Northern

No 'Access for All'

The Govenment has finally managed to announce which stations will be funded for ramps or lifts to enable passengers to reach the platforms without negotiating steps. Sadly, neither Davenport nor Woodsmoor has been chosen, so we have to struggle on unless Transport for Greater Manchester can raise some money.

27 June 2024

Temporary diversion of Sheffield trains: still applies unti 25 August.

See also Network Rail's website

There is a blockage of the line due to a landslip between New Mills Central and Strines, which is going to last at least until the beginning of May. For this time the stopping services along the Hope Valley to Sheffield are being diverted to our line, calling at Stockport and Hazel Grove and then Chinley and all stations to Sheffield.

This will give us is a chance to reach the Hope Valley without travelling via Manchester or walking between New Mills Newtown and Central. The diverted trains are not stopping at Davenport or Woodsmoor, but they are running 10 or 20 minutes  ahead of the normal service, so you can change trains there. All the Hope Valley villages are worth a visit for a walk or just look at the scenery. On Sundays the connections are not so good, you'd need to make your own way to Hazel Grove.

There is a fare for a 'Not via Manchester' journey, although it doesn't apply to Sheffield itself, just the stations between. For example, a return ticket,  Davenport to Edale (or Hope)  after 9am costs £14.60.  If you have a TfGM concession pass or start from Hazel Grove it's £10.80. The 'Penny Pot Cafe' adjacent to Edale station, open till 4pm daily.

Here is an example weekday or Friday journey:

Davenport depart 10:38, Hazel Grove arrive 10:43. Depart 11:01,  Edale arrive 11:31
Edale depart 16:46, Hazel Grove arrive 17:10 depart 17:23, Davenport arrive 17:28.

Use Northern's website or app to check the above and use other times.

NOTE: There is a change from 6 July to the train service on the New Mills Central line. There will be no trains to Strines or New Mills Central; the hourly bus service will be extended to run between Marple and Chinley. (Sundays there's a bus service Manchester-Chinley). The Manchester - Stockport - Hazel Grove - Chinley - Hope Valley stations to Sheffield temporary service will continue as now until Sunday 25 August, assuming they have fixed the problem by then.

Updated 4 July 2024

Signalling update update

The new signals re now in operation. The existing signals hve been altered to LED lights, and there are new signals in both directions either sode of Woodsmoor level crossing which will (hopefully) make train moves a little smoother. Trains can now depart from Davenport towards Hazel Grove even if the crossing barriers are open to road traffic, as the crossing is 'protected' by the new signal showing red.   This should increase the length of time the barriers are down. It will be interesting to see whether this will be noticeable in practice.
6 February 2024

Station improvements

Passengers will have noticed that the white walls around the station walls have been given a new coat of paint, and the junk in the compound under the booking office cleared.  We have our Northern station manager and our Community Rail Manager for organising this much-needed work.  The Friends Group have added a good quantity of daffoldil (and other) bulbs which should be making their precence felt soon.

06 February 2024

Davenport station track and signalling update

Work on the track and signalling, with 'some' noise and disruption will take place at Davenport Station on the following dates:

Friday 19th January (11 pm) — Monday 22nd January (8am) 2024: railway line closure, no trains on Saturday or Sunday.  Hourly bus replacement. Note that the last bus from Manchester is 'set down only' at stations beyond Hazel Grove.

Saturday 1st June (11pm) - Sunday 2nd June (8am) 2024

This is part of the 'Hope Valley Railway Upgrade' - it's not clear whether it will improve our local services; the details of the project seem to be a secret.

Updated 15 January 2023

Booking Offices saved

So - the project to close almost every ticket office in England has been 'dropped' by the Government after about 750,000  people protesting about it in a consultation exercise.  The response letter sent by our (Government owned)  Northern Trains management to the 'Transport Focus' watchdog listing all the problems it would cause;  you can read a copy here. It is clear that the Company were very much against the idea, at least at this time.

However, this does not mean that small stations like ours may not be targeted for closure if their income declines.  At present there is a serious issue created by Northern's 'advance purchase' scheme which offers cheaper tickets on local journeys, and can be bought at our station even on the day of travel. At present, these are available on-line or from the ticket machine but not from the booking office, with the result that staff are advising passengers against buying from the office.  This needs to be changed. Let's use the office as much as possible!
22 November 2023

Access for All - but when?

As we reported in an item below, in April 2022 a submission was been made by Transport for Greater Manchester to the Government under the 'Access for All' scheme to improve access at 18 stations, including Davenport and Woodsmoor. 

We were told that a decision would be made by 'Spring 2023',  then it was delayed to 'Autumn 2023', and still no decision as been made - it seems to have been shelved.  It's time to ask our MP to find out what's happening. Perhaps they are busy with the cancellation of HS2?

22 November 2023

Calling over 55s

A Northern ticket which gets little advertising is the 'Northern Explorer 55' which ofers anyone aged over 55 can roam all around the western side of the Company's network, on any day, although only after 9.30 on Mondays-Fridays, using Northern Trains only. (You need to carry proof of age.) There's information and a map on Northern's website. Price is £17.50 - no railcard discounts.
22 November 2023


Contractors for Network Rail will be installing new track, new signals and other signalling equipment along the railway line near to Davenport, Woodsmoor and Hazel Grove stations. Work will take place throughout the day and night from:

00:40 Saturday 9th September to  05:00 Monday 11th September.

Rail Replacement buses will be available for late night trains on Saturday. Sunday will have buses all day between Stockport and Buxton, the Sunday bus  timetable is here.

The car park at Davenport, and part of the car park at Hazel Grove, will be closed from 6th - 11th September to deliver and store  materials and equpment needed for the work.

As this work is done, residents may hear noise from heavy construction m
Machinery and running engines, train movements with noise from engines and train horns, excavation and drilling, and noise from dropping metal rails into place on the track. You may also notice an increase in lighting in the area.

Network Rail say "We'll be working hard with our contractor to reduce noise as much as possible, but are very sorry for any disruption that the work may cause. Our team will always be mindful of the impact our work may have on you and we have briefed our teams to work considerately".

The work (as we understand it) involves changes to the signalling to allow the Hope Valley non-stop trains to travel faster along this section, by dividing the section between Davenport and Hazel Grove into two. This will increase the capacity of the line,  because only one train is allowed in a section. Installation of a signal at Woodsmoor, and improvements in the working of the Woodsmoor level crossing (which is controlled from Edgeley Junction No.1 signalbox, will hopefully reduce waiting times for pedestrians and vehicles. 

The current arrangement was designed when it was thought that there would not be a level crossing there, but just a footbridge when the line was electrified.  However, local people took exception to the 'monster' signalbox which was erected, and after a long battle it was taken away and replaced by the a leve' crossing, but the signalling wasn't altered.

27 August 2023

Booking offices under threat

We reproduce below the letter sent by Northern Trains to stakeholders, including Friends Group. The Department of Transport, who now own Northern and some other English passenger companies, have decided than the railways are cost too much to run and, and closing station booking offices would save money now that many people have 'smart phones'.  A public consultation is under way, and everyone is invited to send their comments to the Transport Focus organisation at this email address:


or by freepost at RTEH-XAGE-BYKZ, Transport Focus, PO Box 5594, Southend-on-Sea, SS1 9PZ.

We at the Friends Group would also like to hear your reaction to this: our email is info@davenportstation.org.uk

A new approach to retail operations at Northern Trains stations

Across all business sectors the way customers consume, access and purchase products and services is changing. Northern is no different and we need to modernise our customer propositions to respond to their changing needs. Northern is transforming how it operates its stations to enable our colleagues to be more empowered, visible and accessible when needed the most.

Alongside other train companies, we are today launching a public consultation on our proposals. Northern currently manages 467 stations, of which 318 are unstaffed. Of the remaining 149 staffed locations, Northern is proposing to close 131 ticket offices and amend the operating hours at 18 ticket offices.

It is Northern’s intention to close the 131 ticket office locations in a phased approach over an 18-month period, following receipt of approval to implement the changes. Upon such time that Northern commences closure of ticket offices, we will undertake regular reviews to assess the change through customer and employee surveys. A copy of the public consultation document accompanies this letter, setting out full details of our proposals.

Customer purchasing behaviour

Our customers’ expectations for how they plan and make their journeys has changed. For buying tickets, digital is now the dominant channel in line with other industries, driven by changes in consumer demand towards ease and convenience. Only 1 in 6 journeys on Northern services are bought through a ticket office, compared with almost half of all journeys in 2018. This highlights that the customer requirement for ticket offices as a retail channel is rapidly diminishing, a trend that is expected to continue.

To meet the opportunities of a developing railway and the expectations of an evolving customer base, and to ensure the most efficient use of public money, we need to do things  differently. The low level of demand for the ticket office means that the continued use ofprimarily ticket selling roles is both financially inefficient and does not deliver the optimumexperience for many of our customers.

As a result of these drivers the traditional behind the glass ticket offices are not what are needed for today’s railway, and we are proposing a new approach. Instead, customers tell us that they want our colleagues to be enabled to directly engage, support and help in a whole variety of ways. Therefore, Northern will be deploying knowledgeable, visible and empowered colleagues to support customers where needed most. We are calling these colleagues Journey Makers.

It is our proposal that ticket offices at 131 of our stations will close. 18 will remain open with amended opening hours. The below sets out a summary of Northern’s proposition on stations impacted by our proposals:

• Station colleagues will be more visible around the station to help customers with a wider range of help and support.
• We operate 318 stations without ticket offices. Our proposals mean that ticket offices at a further 131 stations will close. We will also reduce the number of hours that Northern colleagues are present at these stations. This will be kept under review and may change in the future depending on customer needs.
• Conductors will continue to be on every train who already disembark at every station.
• All stations have at least one Ticket Vending Machine
• Most of our tickets will be available from our station machines and on apps and via the web.
• At a national level there are plans for Ticket Vending Machines to sell additional ticket products that are not currently available via machines, and offer barcode ticket printing.
• For those who want to pay with cash or do not have access to the internet or have a smart phone, customers will be able to buy tickets at local retail outlets. This will be rolled-out over 12 months to thousands of locations.
• We plan to introduce more Video Assist across Ticket Vending Machines following a recent trial. Customers can see and talk to one of our experts who can help with buying the best ticket.
• Facilities such as CCTV, help points, waiting areas and lifts will not be affected.
• All stations have LED lighting.
• 130 of the 131 of the locations at which we are proposing to close ticket offices have CCTV and we plan to put it in at the remaining one.

This change allows our colleagues to better use their skills and knowledge and is the right way to make every customer’s journey the best possible one. We will now be commencing a period of consultation with our colleagues and the public on this national industry proposal.

There is a more detailed document which can be downoaded here.

08 July 2023

'Action short of strike'

Northern Trains say: ' There is action short of strike planned for 3 - 8 July, which will affect some services. 'We expect some services to start later and finish earlier than usual, as well as short-notice cancellations. Please check before you travel as journeys may be altered or removed on the day of travel.'


Access for All - delayed

In April 2022 a submission was been made by Transport for Greater Manchester to the Government under the 'Access for All' scheme to improve access at 18 stations, including Davenport and Woodsmoor.  For Davenport this would provide lifts between the street and both platforms, requiring involve the removal of the stairs by the booking office, and the excavation of the area between the stairs and bridge on the other side. 

We were told that a decision would be made by 'Spring 2023', but this has now delayed to 'Autumn 2023'.

01 June 2023

Hope Valley upgrade

Network Rail have a project to improve the speed and capacity of the Hope Valley line to Sheffield. Hazel Grove,  Woodsmoor and Davenport are now counted as Hope Valley stations by Network Rail, and a small part of the overall plan is to increase the speed limit for trains between Hazel Grove and Stockport. which is currently 40 mph between Hazel Grove and the curve leading to the junction with the the Crewe line.  This would appear to be difficult to achieve even by an express train, given the short distance before the junctions, but they seem to think that saving a couple of minutes is worth while.  You'll notice gangs of orange men working around the signals; higher speed means that the signals have to be farther apart. It seems they are also re-laying some of the track - we haven't  been given full information.

15 April 2023

Rover and Ranger tickets...

...  are now available from the ticket machine as well as the ticket office,  including day passes such as the Wayfarer and the Cheshire Day Ranger.  There  is a full list with details on the National Rail website.             

                    15 April 2023

Bridge work at Whaley

Between Saturday 18 and Monday 27 February 2023, Network Rail are undertaking major work on the Grade 2 listed bridge which carries the railway across Buxton Road at Whaley Bridge. There will be no trains between Hazel Grove and Buxton,  with replacement buses except at Whaley Bridge where the car park will be closed for use by the engineers. The  road under the bridge is already closed.
Interestingly, Northern have agreed with the local bus company for Whaley Bridge ticket holders to travel free on some of the local bus services, which are diverting via the by-pass, although they don't run on Sundays, and the Stockport - Buxton 199 service is not included. There is a free daily Shuttle Bus running between the two ends of Whaley by a very long route.

It would seem that running trains beyond Hazel Grove to Furness Vale, where there is a crossover, is no longer considered. Full info:

 On Saturday 28th January all trains through Stockport will be replaced by buses except a half-hourly shuttle from platform 3a to and from Manchester. Trains will be running between Hazel Grove and Buxton.  Buses will call at the stops by Cale Green Park gates or the one at Davenport Park entrance. On Sunday there are no trains at all at Stockport, every line will be 'bustituted' but Hazel Grove - Buxton trains will operate. Check with Northern's website for times and details and possible changes. 1st and 3rd February are strike days - no Northern trains will run. 2nd and 4th may be affected as well.

A timetable for 28-29 January can be found here. There are some very long waits between trains and buses - half an hour at Stockport between terminating trains from Manchester to bus departures on Saturday.
25 January 2023

Visit our Archive for earlier items

Site maintained by Charlie Hulme for Friends of Davenport Station.