'The Alders' Davenport - Account Book - Page 2

The Alders Account book information | Davenport Station Homepage


Work done to bring the house up to standard, and moving in furniture from Daw Bank House. Mr Norman is paid £59.16.0 for removal of furniture, alternation of carpets, &c. Charles Cheetham charged £49 for painting and papering the inside walls, and £21.10 for painting work on the outside of the house and greenhouse. The fencing along the railway needs attention, and does the plumbing.

James Yates is paid  £14.8.9 for gardener's wages; James Yates appears in the 1901 census living at 152 Buxton Road with his wife Emily and son Henry, employed as 'Housekepper, Groom'  - it is likely that, employed as the Coppock's housekeeper, Yates paid the gardener's wages.

G.W.Smith is paid £2 for 'repairs to landau and brougham' - these are two types of horse-drawn carriage.